2016 Archive: The shift

There really is no putting into words the sensation that washes over me…

Even now, attempting to select descriptive terms from my limited human vocabulary seems moot: fully formed feelings slip away like water in my hands.

The only suitable representation is…a river. The sensation is fluid, elusive, yet tangible. Though, reflecting on it now I feel as confident in it as I might be in the existence of water, but doubt in my conviction creeps in.

It’s so foreign and yet so familiar. A part of me is mortified by the very idea and a deeper part feels it’s as common as walking.

It’s like waking up, when in reality, you’ve only just fallen asleep. The sound rushes in your ears like wind through a car’s windows going 80mph.

Your head swims, your body feels light: your consciousness shifts to the center of your forehead. And then… Nothing.

Then like floating to the surface of a black lake, you hold your breath until finally exploding through the thin surface, gaping for air.

From there, it could be anything, anywhere at any time. Time is figurative here, as all logic and matter observes it as irrelevant.

It can be now and five years ago within the blink of an eye. This is how it works here. If time ran in parallel lines forever, then you are the vertical line cutting through. You may stop and start where or when you like.

In the waking, your movement is determined by will and choices. In this fluid state, movement may bring you to a new time line, location or situation.

In this realm, I fluidly observe rather than interact. The feel of these two forms of existence are different, but exist seamlessly on top of, inside and around one another

This is the shift.